Today many quarries use sand washing plant in order to produce high grade high quality sand and gravel. The sand washing plant require an important volume of water in order to clean the sand from the clay and silt. At the end of the sand washing process we have a big volume of dirty water rich of clay and silt.
Cogede has developed a wastewater treatment plant and sludge treatment plant able to treat the water produced by the sand washing plant and to dewatering the sludge in order to recover more than 90% of the water used in the process.
The cleaned water can be recycled in the sand washing plant. For the wastewater treatment plant Cogede can use different type of thickeners like:

Wastewater treatment plant with Hi Rate thickener and sludge treatment plant with filter press and sludge buffer tank

Wastewater treatment plant with Deep Cone thickener and sludge treatment plant with filter press and sludge buffer tank
The deep cone thickener is used when the volume of dirty water produced by the sand washing plant is not very big or when the area to install the wastewater treatment plant is limited.
The Cogede high rate thickener is used when the volume of dirty water produced by the sand washing plant is very high. Cogede has a wide range of high rate thickeners that can be used to treat the high volume wastewater produced by sand washing plant. To treat & dewater the sludge produced by the sand washing plant Cogede use filter press technology. Cogede decides to use the filter press to treat the sludge produced by the sand washing plant because the filter press allow to get very compact cake easy to transport and to recover an higher volume of water without using any chemicals to help the filtration process.
The filter press delivered for the sludge treatment is fully automatic filter press and the filter press can have different designs like upper beam filter press or side beam filter press according to the sludge volume that we have to dewater.

The wastewater treatment plant produced by cogede can be also modular, which can be installed on a skid. This skid mounted wastewater treatment plant to be used to treat wastewater produced by mobile sand washing plant.
All the Cogede wastewater treatment plant for sand washing plant is tailor made according to the process and customer needs. The main advantages of wastewater treatment plant produced by cogede are:

- More than 90% of water recovery
- Compact & small footprint
- Fully automatic wastewater treatment plant
- Easy transportation of dewatered cake.
- Modular design for an easy installation
- Easy to use & environment friendly
- Low operating cost
- Tailor made solution

Tailings Management plant with thickener, filter press and conveyor
Following to Cogede’s long experience in Water and Slurry Treatment industry, Cogede has all the expertise, experience and technology (Thickener & filter press) to supply complete tailings management plant by applying Thickening & Filtration technology. Thus, by resulting a constant recirculation & recovery of 80-90% of the process water & an environmentally safe and cheaper operating mine.
Another advantage of Cogede technology for tailings management is that by the thickener and filter press technologies, mining companies can substantially reduce the volume of tailings that can be safely stored in smaller area by an easy management of dry tailings.