Cogede supply complete Industrial Waste Water Treatment Plant to manage the waste water from different type of industries like Foods, Beverages, Leather, Pharmaceutical, Metallurgical, Electronics etc. Cogede can design, make and supply customized industrial waste water treatment plant for these industrial sectors. Each of our plants are designed & supplied specific to customer requirement & specification. However mostly for the Industrial Waste Water Treatment plants, the treatment or typical process steps which are followed in our plants are as below.

- Collection & Transfer of the Water to be treated.
- Polyelectrolyte preparation, dosing, make up
- Flocculation
- Thickener / Clarifier (*Wherever needed)
- Automatic Slurry Extraction & further preparation
- Filter Press / Centrifuge (*Wherever needed)
- Complete automatic control of the plant operation
- Chemical treatment of the recycled water
- Clean water collection & distribution